09 July 2006

In Medias Res

Another foray into the electronic age. Which begs the question: am I, too, one of the sad, misguided folks that chooses to pretend that some other person will get pleasure from reading my little musings? Why not just be content with the private, sporadic journaling? Why offer this up to the anybodies? Hmm.

Truth: I really like the layout. It looks pretty shnazzy. I was allured. I have given in.

Also: you can attach pictures here very easily, which is pretty cool. Like this one:

That was my mortal foe for nearly three weeks. Rollie's evil microphone.

Anyway, this will make for a quick way to file back through my goings-on.

  • the new record ("ANGER") is done
  • the Ford Ranger is almost out of the shop
  • Texas is around the corner
  • Amir and I ate potato tacos in San Pedro
  • Valley Drive is no longer a one-way street
  • Italy won the 2006 World Cup
  • No, father, there is still no Monday Night Soccer
Presto! This way I can scroll back through my life from anywhere. The marvels of the modern age.

Also, my mother will enjoy reading this.

And, lastly: Doogie Howser was an early inspiration. I just need that squeeky Neil Patrick Harris voice to drop in over my shoulder and the fantasy will be complete.



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